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Fall Remedies Workshop

Stock your family medicine cabinet live with me!
During this workshop you will get:
  • Herbal Remedy Recipe Guide with 5 easy recipes that we will make together in class: Classic Elderberry Syrup, Cough Syrup, Kids Calm Tincture, Earache Oil and Vapor Rub.
  • Live feedback from me on your recipe as we make each one
  • The ability to ask questions and tweak the recipes depending on the needs of your family
  • BONUS: "Mom's Natural Medicine Chest" guide to help you navigate the herbal aisle at any health food store

Meet The Instructor


Hey there, I'm Lindsey Mashon, an entrepreneur, mom of two boys, and an Herbalist. I have spent the last nearly 10 years studying, teaching, and using herbs in my own family. It is my mission to teach every mom how to comfortably and confidently use herbs  to keep her family safe, healthy, and happy through all the bumps, sniffles, and bruises that come with growing up!

I have loved the idea of making my own home remedies, but I have always been intimidated by the process and I really didn't even know where I should start. Lindsey made it easy with a recipe and even where to find certain ingredients. She also walked us through the entire process, explaining steps and answering questions.

Karen C., Fall 2020 Remedies Class Attendee

  1. When Is The Class? The class is October 11th at 7pm CST
  2. How Much Is The Class? The class is only $20 plus the cost of supplies for whichever of the recipes you choose to make. I wanted to make sure this was easily accessible for everyone!
  3. What If I Don't Make It Live? I know that life happens and so the replay will be available for the following week to make it easy for you to catch it when you have time.
  4. Where Do I Find The Ingredients? I list my favorite online vendors for you to shop around, and some may also be found at your local grocery or health food store.
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